Emily O’Neal

I’m experience designer, specializing in immersive and game design. I’m based out of Brooklyn, NY.

Ocean 2

ROLE:  Experience Designer
TOOLS: Unity, Photoshop
Ocean 2 sends visitors on an immersive deep-sea rescue mission to free a baby whale from a shipwreck. I was the lead designer working on building the world, crafting the narrative, and animating the sea creatures.

2nd Generation of Weightless VR 

Ballast introduced the world's first waterproof VR headset, pioneering a new genre of immersive experiences. Visitors wear the headset along with snorkels, anchors, and flotation devices, plunging them into fantastical worlds instead of staring at the pool bottom.

Joining the Ballast team, I aimed to elevate their first generation of DIVR experiences. My role involved creating narrative-driven experiences with intricate, detailed worlds. I oversaw the entire process, from animating sea creatures to crafting intricate coral grottos and seaweed forests.

Ocean 2 and other DIVR titles are now accessible at waterparks worldwide.